Graffiti Recovery Event 2024
As part of Recovery Month, today we hosted a Graffiti Recovery Event. It was a celebration for people in recovery and we had people from other projects in the Growing Recovery in Derbyshire Network join us for the event.
DRP Partnership
As part of our Paths to Recovery project, Pathways has been working closely with Steve, the new Derbyshire Recovery Partnership (DRP) Rough Sleeper Worker.
SMART Recovery
We’ve recently taken out a licence to become trained in and deliver SMART Recovery sessions. SMART Recovery helps participants decide whether they have a problem, builds up their motivation to change and offers a set of proven tools and techniques to support recovery.
Ben’s Story
Ben is in his mid 20s who has been diagnosed with a multitude of mental health conditions. Trauma in his early years has meant he has always struggled to regulate his emotions in a health way.
Paths to Recovery
Paths to Recovery is a project run by Pathways, funded by Derbyshire County Council as part of the Recovery Network in Derbyshire.
Activity Groups at Pathways
At Pathways we offer a range of activity groups which provide a safe space for people to come to, develop new skills and make new friends.
Rough Sleeper Breakfast
Once a week we offer a full cooked breakfast along with cereal and hot drinks to anyone who is rough sleeping in the area.
Pathways Recovery- Graffiti Event
As part of Recovery Month in September, we’re hosting a graffiti event for people in recovery.
Good News- Frank’s Story
Frank is a single man in his 40s who came to Pathways for help when he was evicted from his mother’s house and found himself sleeping rough.
Good News- Gemma’s Story
Gemma is an 18 year old who approached Pathways for help when she was sofa surfing with a man who was sexually exploiting her.