
As a charity we are reliant on grant income and donations to fund our work. Donations made by kind individuals make a huge difference to the services we are able to offer to the people we work with and we are always grateful for any, large or small, amounts of money received.

There are a few ways to donate to us:

Just Giving

You can set up one off or monthly payments through the Just Giving page.

Bank Account

You can make a payment as a one off or a monthly standing order direct to our bank. Our bank details are below. If you pay money directly to our bank or set up a standing order please contact us to let us know so we can thank you and send you updates. We’d also appreciate if you could complete a Gift Aid form and return it to us to allow us to claim extra money from the government.

Account- Pathways of Chesterfield

Sort Code- 40-17-15

Account number- 72078104

Bank- HSBC, Market Place, Chesterfield, S40 1TN