Gemma is an 18 year old who approached Pathways for help when she was sofa surfing with a man who was sexually exploiting her and she felt she had no way out. Her mental health was poor and she had contemplated suicide.
Pathways got Gemma placed in B&B through the council immediately to remove her from the situation whilst we helped her to find sustainable accommodation. The Pathways nurses worked with Gemma weekly to support her with her mental health and did referrals to adult social care and SV2 for support and counselling around the sexual exploitation. The housing workers supported Gemma with setting up a universal credit claim and accessing unemployed workers centre as well as providing regular food bank referrals, food and provisions whilst she was in B&B.
After 4 months in B&B Gemma was offered a council property. Pathways supported her to move in with a starter pack, £50 Tesco voucher to stock up her food cupboard and a Derbyshire Discretionary Fund application to get some furniture.
Gemma has now moved into her new home and has shown a dramatic improvement in her mental health since we first met her.
Good luck in your new home Gemma!